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Автоматизированная спектрометрия - DLL Device Drivers

AS-161-DLL Windows Interface Package for AvaSpec -USB1 platform spectrometers
The AS-161-DLL is the Windows Interface DLL-Package for Windows 95/98/2000 and Windows NT/ME/XP/Vista that allows you to easily write custom software solutions for AvaSpec-102, AvaSpec-256, AvaSpec-1024 and AvaSpec-2048 spectrometers with USB1 interface.

The software contains functions that can be grouped into three categories:

  1. Setting/Getting the hardware parameters from the spectrometers EEProm. This group includes functions to set- and get the number of spectrometer channels, the wavelength calibration per channel, gain and offset values per channel, and a function to specify the pixelrange for data transfer per channel

  2. Functions for data acquisition to get the spectra into your application

  3. Functions to communicate with other devices by using TTL signals. The AvaSpec-USB1 platform spectrometers contain a 15-pin digital IO connector: 1 ground, 1 digital-in which is predefined for external hardware trigger, 1 programmable digital-in, 1 digital-out fixed at 1kHz, 1 digital-out to control a pulsed light sources (AvaLight-XE), and 10 programmable digital-out signals. The AS-161-DLL package includes functions to control the TTL's of this external IO connector.

The interface package also includes a number of sample programs developed to show you how to write your programs. The sample programs were developed in Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, Borland C++ and LabView. The sample programs provide an excellent starting point to write your own applications.

AS-161-Linux drivers for AvaSpec USB1 platform spectrometers
A special set of designated Linux drivers for the AvaSpec USB1 platform spectrometers can be downloaded for free from our website https://www.avantes.com/. These driver routines are available in source code.

AS-5216-DLL Windows Interface Package for AvaSpec -USB2 platform spectrometers

The AS-5216-DLL is the Windows Interface DLL-Package for Windows 95/98/2000 and Windows NT/ME/XP/Vista that allows you to easily write custom software solutions for AvaSpec-128-USB2, AvaSpec-256-USB2, AvaSpec-1024-USB2, AvaSpec-2048-USB2, AvaSpec-3648-USB2, AvaSpec-2048x14 and AvaSpec-NIR256 spectrometers with USB2.0 interface.

The software contains functions that can be grouped into 4 categories:

  1. Communication establishment with one or multiple USB connected spectrometers. These functions offer support to activate and deactivate connected spectrometers .

  2. Setting/Getting the device hardware parameters from the spectrometers EEProm. This group includes a function to set- and get the wavelength calibration coefficients, gain and offset values, and optional parameters that can be added include Non-linearity calibration, Irradiance calibration and others. Data collection parameters, such as integration time, averaging, smoothing, start/stop pixel and others can be stored to the EEPROM.

  3. Functions for data acquisition to get the spectra into your application

  4. Functions to communicate with other devices by using TTL and/or Analog output signals. The AvaSpec-USB2 platform spectrometers are equipped with a 26-pin digital IO connector: 3 grounds, 1 digital-in which is predefined for external hardware trigger, 3 programmable digital-in, 1 digital-out to control a pulsed light sources (AvaLight-XE), 1 digital-out to synchronize a pulsed laser (LIBS applications), and 10 programmable (TTL level with 6 outputs programmable with Pulse Width Modulation) digital-out signals. 2 Analog-out and 2 analog-in are included as well. The AS-5216-DLL package includes functions to control the TTL's of this external IO connector. The hardware synchronization between the connected spectrometers can be software controlled.

The interface package also includes a number of sample programs developed to show you how to write your programs. The sample programs provide an excellent starting point to write your own applications.

FOM-DLL Windows Interface Package for Fiber Optic Multiplexer

The FOM-DLL is the Windows Interface DLL-Package for Windows 95/98/2000 and Windows NT/ME/XP that allows you to easily write custom software solutions for the Fiber Optic Multiplexer. The software contains functions for to control the position in the multiplexer to one of the 16 positions, to travel to the stepmotor´s reference position, and to request status information.  Example source code developed in Visual C++, Delphi, Borland C++ and LabView that demonstrate how to use these functions is included in the software package. Color-DLL

The Color-DLL is a routine to calculate the color parameters L*, a* and b* as well as their hue angle (h*) and Chroma (C*) and X, Y, Z values from an array of reflection values, representing the reflectance values between 380 and 780 nm with a 5 nm interval. It runs under Windows 95/98/2000 and Windows NT/ME/XP.

Besides the reflectance array, the function requires another input variable: the illuminant. A choice can be made between 7 different illuminants: A, B, C, D50, D55, D65 and D75.

An example program in Delphi is provided with the software package.


The Irradiance-DLL includes functions to calculate colorimetric, radiometric, photometric and peak parameters from an array of irradiance values (µW/nmcm²). A list of parameters, that can be calculated, is depicted in the Borland C++ sample program screendump above. An example program in Delphi is included as well. It runs under Windows 95/98/2000 and Windows NT/ME/XP.

Ordering Information


Interface DLL package for AvaSpec-USB1 platform for Windows-95/98, 2000, ME, NT, XP, Vista


Interface DLL package for AvaSpec-USB2 platform for Windows-95/98, 2000, ME, NT, XP, Vista


Interface DLL package for Fiber Optic Multiplexer (FOM-XX400-1x16 andFOM-XX400-2x8) for Windows-95/98, 2000, ME, NT, XP, Vista


DLL to calculate color coefficients, for Windows-95/98, 2000, ME, NT, XP, Vista


32-bit DLL for Irradiance/LED application for Windows-95/98, 2000, ME, NT, XP, Vista

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Last Updated: 25.02.2025

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