AvaSoft Application Software - измерение концентрации кислорода
Avasoft-Oxygen has been developed to perform on-line absolute oxygen measurements with a spectrometer system. Oxygen probes are based on the quenching effect of oxygen on the fluorescence of a ruthenium complex.
For details on the oxygen measurement setup see section applications.
The AvaLight-LED-470 light source used, emits light with a wavelength of approximately 470 nm. Measurements of the fluorescence are performed at approximately 600 nm. A high signal corresponds with a low oxygen level and vice versa.
The oxygen concentration can be calibrated and measured for both dissolved oxygen (ppm) and oxygen in air (%).
The calculated oxygen level can be displayed and saved in two ways:
-The oxygen level can be displayed on-line in a separate display window, with up to eight channels.
-You can select up to eight history channels that can display and save oxygen levels against time. This application can be combined with the Excel and Process-Control applications.
Ordering Information
Oxygen application add-on software for oxygen concentration measurements, to be ordered with AvaSoft-FULL