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AvaRaman Raman System

AvaRaman Raman System

The AvaRaman Raman System is a fully integrated, low-cost system for applications requiring Raman techniques. The AvaRaman system consists of a laser diode, an AvaSpec 2048 CCD-array spectrometer and an expanded range of fiber optic probes. The AvaRaman System is available for multiple Raman wavelengths in 2 basic versions:

The low-cost non-cooled version with 25 cm–1 resolution, standard built-in solid state laser .

The high performance, TE-cooled version with a stabilized Laser that can achieve an optical resolution of 8 cm-1.

Both AvaRaman systems come with special AvaSoft-Raman software (see software section). The AvaRaman System is optimized for maximum sensitivity. The maximum integration time is 60 seconds.

The AvaRaman is especially useful for analysis, such as reaction monitoring, product identification, remote sensing, and the characterization of highly scattering particulate matter in aqueous solutions, gels and other media.AvaRaman Raman System

The AvaRaman System is also available with different Laser types than the standard 785nm, such as Ar-Ion 514 nm, solid-state 50 or 100 mW green (532 nm) lasers or HeNe lasers 633nm.

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Last Updated: 15-02-2015

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