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Кюветодержатель с регулируемой длиной оптического пути

Кюветодержатель с регулируемой длиной оптического пути

The CUV-VAR-UV/VIS cuvette holder with variable path length is designed for low absorption measurements and for flow cells. The variable path length enables optimal flexibility to use it either as a standard cuvette holder with 10 mm path length or to use it as a filter holder with 2 mm path length or enables the user to create a path length up to 160 mm.

The CUV-VAR-UV/VIS comes with a base plate as in the CLHVAR-UV/VIS and is standard equipped with 2 COL-UV/VIS lenses for applications in the 200-2000 nm range.

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© 2000-2024 ООО "ЛОКАМЕД" E-mail: avantes@rambler.ru, телефон: +7 921 936 2039, факс: +7 812 499 1500
Last Updated: 24.02.2024

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